The Maclaren Twin Triumph is a double baby stroller which is basically baby transport and is a hand pushed carrier designed to move babies and toddlers around and about in a hassle free manner. It is a baby buggy designed to move around fast while serving many purposes while carrying two babies, infants or toddlers. Me and my lovely wife had our first baby boy three years back and Michelle was born one year and two months later. [Read more…]
Maclaren Twin Techno Stroller Persian Rose Review
The Maclaren Twin Techno Stroller Persian Rose is a luxurious and comfortable side by side double stroller based on an umbrella fold double buggy design.
My divorced sister Theresa has two young babies, Esther who is 2 years and 8 month old Tina. She recently saw the Maclaren Twin Techno stroller on the internet and ordered for one. [Read more…]